Improving IR practices involving the media tools

  • В. В. Чекалюк Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Keywords: media, image, state, Investor Relations (IR), brand, IR-agencies, social opinion


The problem of state image makes it one of the top priorities for politicians, economists, statesmen, teachers and research workers. Image is one of the priorities of a successful country. Strategic development of a country depends on many factors, the key role is played by image making policy, public representation and positioning of public persons to the nation. Each country is keen to spread as many positive facts about itself as possible. Positive positioning in world markets attracts investors and helps to develop both country and people. The article examines existing methods of positioning of a state for inner and outer audiences. This research regards a country as a product which must be presented as economically attractive and competitive in modern world. We use media technologies as instruments of image making and examine media as tools used in state’s imagemaking. We started to work on a strategy: European living standards, we are striving for, consist of certain indicators in various spheres. They are GDP per capita, volume of international investments, budget indicators, credit rating, salaries, life expectancy etc. European countries differ in development levels. The research is focused on interaction of an object of image making with target audience through mass-media communication channels. The author proves that everyone and everything has some image, but the image which you need, must be formed, ruled, corrected and controlled. The image of a state is a result of an effective communication needed to create interesting, beneficial and reliable instruments for foreign investors in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Чекалюк, В. В. (2017). Improving IR practices involving the media tools. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (9), 54-58. Retrieved from