Precedent utterances in Ukrainian mass-media (based on the example of the sites «Ukrainska pravda», «Dzerkalo tyzhnia», «Ukraina moloda»)

  • О. О. Полумисна
Keywords: intertextuality, media-text, quotation, precedent phenomena, precedent utterance


The article studies the peculiarities of using the so-called «somebody else’s» words, in particular precedent utterances (based on the example of the sites «Ukrainska pravda», «Dzerkalo tyzhnia», «Ukraina moloda»). Here included quotations from different texts, proverbs and sayings which make semantic space of a definite text extract, language aphorisms, and sayings, various political slogans which are quite often found in media language and in the language of the Ukrainian population. Also methods of introduction of precedent utterances to a media text as well as their impact on the reader are analyzed in the article, precedent phenomena, which the journalist uses in their own text that give the publications an ironic, emotionally-expressive, satirical tone, and give the option to enter events in general historical and cultural context are researched.


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How to Cite
Полумисна, О. О. (2017). Precedent utterances in Ukrainian mass-media (based on the example of the sites «Ukrainska pravda», «Dzerkalo tyzhnia», «Ukraina moloda»). The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (9), 16-20. Retrieved from