Playing with forms: the latest trends of filing an interview and a video with no comments

Keywords: soundbite, no comments, infotainment, interview, info-publicistic TV-projects, television


The latest trends of using composition elements of journalistic material, as soundbite and no comments on Ukrainian television are considered. Learned transformations are determined by infotainment, which is characterized by a relaxed «behind the scenes» manner of communication and «live» style of materials. The classification of the major trends in the supplying of an interview in the modern Ukrainian info-publicistic television projects is proposed. Latest journalists’ questions, mistakes of interviewee, words «off the record» are taken to the materials. The speech inside soundbites and no comments often includes colloquial style words and even invectives. There are more fragments of interview with jokes and bright details in the Ukrainian television air. The tendency of outside is filming the elements of this composition in action and frequently without camera mount. The negative effects of some innovations, in particular distortion of traditional journalistic principles, are shown.


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Author Biography

Е. О. Бурдіна, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Ph.D. in Social Communications. Senior Lecturer in Journalism, Department of Philology, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


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How to Cite
Бурдіна, Е. О. (2017). Playing with forms: the latest trends of filing an interview and a video with no comments. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (9), 9-16. Retrieved from