Scientific experiment in popular science program «Rujnivnyky mifiv (Mythbusters)»: functions, specificity of presentation
verbalization, visualization, around scientific myth, experiment, empirical experience, scientific experiment, scientific skepticism, popular sciense program, popularization of science, pseudoscientific myth, «Mythbusters»
The effective methods of influence on the audience and instruments of science popularization in domestic TV space have been analyzed in the article. The concept «experiment» in various fields of science and scientific experiment phenomenon and its role of visualization in scientific and popular TV-journalism have been explored as means of getting the viewer indirect empirical evidence regarding to scientific phenomena and processes. The American TV show «Mythbusters» is chosen for a thorough analysis because it is a representative sample of a popular TV format of a scientific experiment. It was investigated for the audience preferences regarding to sources of information for the experiment. Popular visualization experiment research areas, authoritative scientific experiment performers and functions of experiment in popular scientific program were identified. The role of popular programs presented in the format of a scientific experiment in shaping public opinion on science itself was researchedDownloads
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How to Cite
Kuznetsova, M. (2017). Scientific experiment in popular science program «Rujnivnyky mifiv (Mythbusters)»: functions, specificity of presentation. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (10), 86-91. Retrieved from