Religious journalism of Yevhen Sverstiuk: the general characteristics and typology

  • Г. О. Кушнір Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: religious journalism, Yevhen Sverstiuk, «Rebuilding of the Town of Babylon», conversion to God


The article studies the religious journalism of a famous Ukrainian dissident Yevhen Sverstiuk (1927–2014). A religious component is a very important in Sverstiuk’s journalism but it is manifested in different ways (like facts, themes, ideas, images) during the creative activity of the author. It is found that his religious journalism is divided into two parts: before Sverstiuk’s conversion to God and after his conversion. The author of this article demonstrates that only several texts by Y. Sverstiuk before his conversion (for example, «Cathedral in Scaffold», «The Last Tear») have a religious component like facts, which doesn’t witness about religious views of Y. Sverstiuk. After dissident’s conversion to God the religious component dominates in all his texts. According to this article, the most representational journalistic text by Y. Sverstiuk is «Rebuilding of the Town of Babylon», which demonstrates the journalistic program of a dissident and his intention to show the audience the concept «God and Ukraine». The author of this article comes to the conclusion that the main idea of Sverstiuk’s religious journalism is that the conversion of Ukrainians to God and His True will help to overcome the crisis in Ukraine


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How to Cite
Кушнір, Г. О. (2017). Religious journalism of Yevhen Sverstiuk: the general characteristics and typology. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (10), 25-30. Retrieved from