Interaction of Languages in the Context of Multilingualism

  • Lеlya Bugеnova Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Lazzat Shintaeva Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Keywords: communicative competence, polylingualism, bilingualism, language competence, interaction of languages


Article deals with the problem of polylinguism in the context of interaction between the Kazakh and Russian languages on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Based on the theoretical analysis, the authors give the current state of the multilingual environment among the youth of Kazakhstan. Historical expansion in the cultural aspect of a person’s language experience from the native language (the language used in the family) to mastering the languages of other people’s multilingualism is formed (learned at school, College, University, or in the language environment). Communicative competence is formed on the basis of all knowledge and all language experience, in the relationship and interaction of languages. To ensure successful communication, a person uses various communication skills in the use of languages in accordance with the situation. This radically changes the direction and process of language education, where the goal is not just to master two or three separate languages, but their active interaction, the development of a linguistic repertoire where there is a place for all linguistic skills. In this regard, Kazakhstan is developing tools that contribute to the development of a multilingual communication environment. The policy of multilingual education in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides an idea of integrating the content of general language and foreign language education. Russian, national-Kazakh, national-Russian bilingualism and Kazakh-Russian-national trilingualism are the main features of the language situation in the country. The most important direction of the culture of interethnic communication in Kazakhstan is historically bilingualism, which makes it possible to communicate with a large number of people, to join the material and spiritual wealth developed by native speakers of another nation, to get closer and deeper acquainted with its history and culture. In Kazakhstan, an important feature of multilingualism is the influence of the Russian language on the functioning and development of the Kazakh language.


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How to Cite
BugеnovaL., & Shintaeva, L. (2021). Interaction of Languages in the Context of Multilingualism. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (17). Retrieved from