Theoretical and methodological bases of modern hybrid conflicts

  • O. V. Kurban Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University; Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
Keywords: hybrid war, hybrid aggression, hybrid conflict, information war, cyber war, asymmetric war


The study presented in the paper reveals the problems of hybrid conflicts with which the most important modern interstate confrontations are connected. The concept of “hybrid conflict” is defined as a general, basic concept, which, in turn, is segmented into the concepts of “hybrid aggression” and “hybrid war”. According to the author’s definition, a hybrid conflict is a concept of a geopolitical level, while hybrid war and hybrid aggression belong to the category of local, international and domestic political conflicts. The theoretical and methodological structure of the studied subject envisages conducting research in two contexts – directions (economic, political, military, informational, international, cultural, state) and tools (doctrines, concepts, theories). The basic tools are enclosed: the concept of asymmetric warfare (E. Mac), the theory of controlled chaos (S. Mann), the doctrine of “soft power” (J.Ney), the doctrine of “colour revolutions” (G.Sharp), the theory of reflexive control (V. A. Lefebvre), the doctrine of unrestricted war (Qiao Liang), the doctrine of rebellion war (Ye. Messner), the doctrine of network-centric war, the theory of network information warfare (О. Kurban). Also, an important part of the research focuses on problems in the format of three key stages – hidden (latent), half-open and open.



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How to Cite
Kurban, O. V. (2019). Theoretical and methodological bases of modern hybrid conflicts. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (13), 105-113. Retrieved from