Popularization of Ukraine’s culture in news of Ukrainian television
Government spending on cultural development has significantly decreased in Ukraine. This makes it necessary to look for other ways to popularize Ukrainian culture, one of which is to use the potential of news television programs. Television is the main source of information for Ukrainians every day. The purpose of the study is to find out the ways in which popularization of Ukrainian culture takes place in news stories on Ukrainian television. News stories on cultural topics in news programs on TV channels Ukraine, «1+1» and «ICTV» are considered. It is established that the proportion of such news stories is quite high and accounts for about 20% of news releases. Most stories on cultural topics are dedicated to the current events in Ukraine or events that are bound with Ukraine. It is established that promotional materials, disguised as messages about cultural events, are served inside release. The ways in which the authors of the news stories popularize Ukrainian culture are presented. For the first time, the potential of television news for the popularization of Ukrainian culture was considered. News on television has great potential for popularizing culture. It is necessary to use television news stories to popularize Ukrainian culture.
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