Sociology and journalism: points of contact

  • Г. І. Масюк National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
Keywords: journalism, sociology, information, sociology of journalism, society


The article reveals the points of contact of such social science fields as sociology and journalism. It was found out that the set we are as of knowledge of the processes and phenomena of society are close, although they have certain differences. In the methods of cognition, sociology and journalism they are very similar. The principal difference between the mismanifested in the methods of presenting the information is obtained. The general and distinctive both in sociology and journalism is an inconstant dynamic equilibrium. From the stand point of sociology, journalism is a social institution – a system of social ties and the consistency of social norms existing in a certain field of human activity. Journalism, as a social institution, is based on the society’s need for information. The activity of any social institution can be understood only through the prism of interrelations and relations in society and the social communities that make it up. Regarding journalism, this function is carried out by a special sociological theory – the sociology of journalism – a theory that is at the intersection of sociology and journalism theory.


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How to Cite
Масюк, Г. І. (2018). Sociology and journalism: points of contact. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (12), 18-22. Retrieved from