Specifics of journalists’ work with children
The article deals with the peculiarities of the work of journalists with children in the aspect of ethical and legal regulation and psychological principles. The study examined the main ethical and legal standards that journalists must follow when working with children, and the psychological mechanisms for establishing relationships with children, the possible consequences of interviewing children, the impact of interviews on the child’s continued perception of media. The historical milestones of the development of the protection of children within the framework of human rights at the legislative and psychological levels are elucidated. Here provided practical advice on interviewing and questioning children. The mechanisms of working out of journalists’ own competences during work with children and their parents (in the aspect of increasing media literacy of parents and their children, where it is necessary to consider the emotional consequences for the child in the given subject during interviewing) are offered. Also, the article touches on the current problem of accentuating in the media space, first of all images of child-victim, child-hero.
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