Apple positioning: mutuality of advertising strategy and the stage of a company life cycle
The article analyzes Apple’s advertising strategy for 41 years of its existence and shows the dependence of certain type of its advertising on the particular stage of its life cycle. We describe the current state of the company and prospects of development of advertising in the place of a possible rebranding. Apple’s advertising campaigns organically woven into the history of the brand, which reflects the real interdependence of these two components. Studied fluctuations in advertising strategy in the making and promotion, during the competition, provided market leadership and the pre-crisis phase. We proved that amid competition from cheap Chinese imitations of quality and technology companies competing in the same price segment, Apple must again prove to name the best. Therefore, the rejection of image strategy or loss of corporate image influence on the audience can lead to serious problems such as the decline in income and, consequently, reduce the price of the company. Now Apple has come to a rather important stage when the company leaders should come up with a new development strategy to re-brand. Because of the range of updates, innovations and successful advertising Apple could get another win over other IT giants.
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