Television documentary and its modes

  • В. І. Коробко Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Keywords: television documentary, mode, film, television, documentarian, form, journalism


The article analyzes the history of the origin of documentary genre in cinema and journalism, gives explanations on the nature of the links between the notions of «journalism» and «documentary», describes six forms (poetic, observational, reflexive, narrative, participatory / interactive and performativity) of the genre and analyzes the main traits inherent to each of them. The basis of the research is theoretical developments and scientific concepts of foreign and domestic scholars in the field of journalism and film art, as Bill Nichols, John Grierson, Dzyga Vertov and others. Based on the research of not only scholars but also practitioners regarding the further development and transformation of such a genre on television, the article gives a brief overview of the beginning of the historical development of cinema and television journalism.


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How to Cite
Коробко, В. І. (2018). Television documentary and its modes. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (11), 30-35. Retrieved from