The concept of «The Forthcoming Ham» in D. Merezhkovsky’s symbolist publicism: an appeal of deep «consciousness»

  • М. М. Рашкевич Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
Keywords: symbolism, publicism, intellectuals, religious consciousness, religious action, neo-christianity, «deep» consciousness, «surface» consciousness, D. Merezhkovsky’s publicism


The article examines the correlation between Dmitry Merezhkovsky’s «deep» type of world outlook, symbolist way of interpreting reality and the doctrine of the «new religious consciousness». The fundamental differences among the Russian intelligentsia of the early 20th century on the ways of rapprochement to the people and forms of criticism towards the atheist ideology of RSDRP («Bolsheviks»). The publicistic concept of «The Forthcoming Ham» is actualized in the European and Ukrainian contexts – based on the examples of the publications by Euhen Sverstiuk, Viacheslav Lipynskyi, Pavlo Basynskyi, Serhii Makhun and Olexandr Dubovyk. The victory of «surface» type of consciousness from which cautions and which predicts a representative of Silver Age – it is a victory of tradesman, a man who hates the culture and calls an accounting book as his Bible. The purpose of the article is a distinguishing and comparative analysis of the journalistic and modernistic (symbolism) signs of early Merezhkovsky’s publicism. The subject of the research is a cognitive-associative resource of symbolical publicism. The object of the study – is plural connotation of the symbol «The Forthcoming Ham».


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How to Cite
Рашкевич, М. М. (2018). The concept of «The Forthcoming Ham» in D. Merezhkovsky’s symbolist publicism: an appeal of deep «consciousness». The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (11), 40-47. Retrieved from