Blood Leptin And Psycho-Emotional State In Patients Who Suffer From Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
During chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) frequent comorbidity is defined as anxiety and depression disorders, which may be caused by resistance of leptin, which is the adipose-derived hormone, and reduction of leptin’s antidepressant and sedative action. 39 patients (18 women and 21 men) who suffered from COPD in the attack phase were examined for the purpose of research to determine the correlation between anxiety symptoms intensity and depression in those patients, depending on the leptin level in blood. Anxiety and depression symptoms were evaluated using the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). It has been discovered that in patients who suffered from COPD along with hyperleptinemia, the anxiety and depression levels were remarkably higher, than in patients who suffered from COPD with normal leptin content, as well as disclosure frequency of clinically apparent symptoms of these disorders, demonstrating the need for making diagnosis of anxiety and depression disorders in such category of patients and, if necessary, to conduct psychological and medical correction
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