Psychoemotial And Personal Peculiarities Of Adolescents With Scoliosis
The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristic features of the psycho emotional and personal sphere of adolescents with scoliosis manifestations of varying severity. To reach the goal, the following methods were used: the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem, as well as socio-demographic, statistical and clinical-psychological methods. The sample included 169 people (including 85 girls and 84 boys) aged 14-16 who had scoliosis of varying degrees. Analysis of the obtained data revealed the prevalence in the groups of the investigated persons of depression of varying severity. It was established that almost all adolescents with grade III and IV scoliosis had low indicators for the factors “Evaluation”, “Strength” and “Activity”, while the number of respondents with low indicators for these factors was significantly higher in the groups of adolescents from the III and IV degree Scoliosis. As for the attitude towards the disease, disadaptive types: sensitive, neurasthenic, anxious and melancholic were predominant among patients
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