The Improvement Of The Emotional State Assessment Of Children With Psychophysical Impairments
The new approach to the emotional characteristics of children assessment was designed, basing on theoretical and empirical research of emotional peculiarities of children with psychophysical disorders on the example of children with the restrictions of the motor areas, children of detained mental development of constitutional origin and children with distorted mental development (according to the classification of mental dysontogenesis by K. S. Lebedinskaya and V. V. Lebedinskiy, 2006). It was developed a model for assessing the emotional characteristics of children with psychophysical disorders, which included a complex of studies on the emotional functions from the standpoint of functioning, life constraints and context factors, and could be the important component for assessing social adaptation within the framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Adolescents. The article presents the study on the emotions of children with psychophysical disorders of different ages (senior preschool and younger school age)
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