Certain Aspects Of The Impact Of Psycho-Social And Psychological Factors By Women Having Pregnancy Failures On Disabilities Of Their Children Upon Birth
This article views the impact of psycho-social and psychological factors inherent to pregnant women on the weight of their newborn children. Physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman result in changes in her psychological condition. It was discovered, that children with higher weight were born by women unsatisfied with relationships with their relatives and their financial standing. Children with the largest weight were born by women having secondary professional education. Women that expressed protest trends during pregnancy bore children with the higher weight. Also, children with the largest weight were born by their mothers who associated their deliveries with peacefulness and expressed protest reactions in relation to delivery. Children with the lowest weight were born by mothers who recognized delivery as an act related with physical discomfort. The higher weight was observed among newborn children whose mothers had social and psychological disadaptation
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