Modern Therapeutic Approaches To Treatment And Rehabilitation Of Non-Psychotic Mental Disorders
Nozogenic factors of mental traumatization, pathomorphosis and somatization of clinical manifestations of non-psychotic mental disorders as a result of physical diseases and surgical interventions, the prevalence of depressive and hypochondriacal inclusions in its structure requires significant changes in modern psychotherapy strategies. Over the past decade the development of psychotherapy in the world has led to numerous (over 1500) forms and methods that serve mainly as techniques or conditions and styles of the psychotherapy that put practical psychotherapists in the difficult position. In the main directions of social psychiatry, psychotherapy and medical psychology in Ukraine with the need to reform the psychotherapeutic care there is a need for further development of both classical methods and the development of new techniques and methods that were not previously used in national psychotherapy. It is necessary to combine the methods of psychotherapy, to form a coherent system. With the development of new methods of psychotherapy there is a need for organizational models that implement focus on psychohygienic and psychoprophylactic psychotherapeutic effects.
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