Comparative Analysis Of Seasonally-Monthly And Weekly Fluctuations Of Suicidal Activity Of People Living In The Depressed Industrial Region Of Lisichansk In The 2006–2013 And 2014–2016 Periods

  • Pavlo Budonnyi Lysychansk Regional Mental Hospital


The study of the temporal dynamics of suicidal behavior of a heterogeneous group allows one to analyze the effect of the three groups of factors of a higher order: biological, social and psychological. During ATO, there were changes in suicidal activity as a function of time. Amplitude of seasonal fluctuations in the period of ATO became higher with fluctuations of men indices from 4.1 to 12.4 (in peacetime - from 5.4 to 10.7), and in women from 1.1 to 14.9 (in peacetime - from 4.6 to 11.2). The maximum and minimum suicidal activity of men was observed a month later than in the pre-war period. During ATO, suicidal activity on days of the week in men is in antiphase with the pre-war period. Minimum indicators were on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday (during ATO - on Thursday and Saturday), and the maximum - on Thursday and Saturday (during ATO - on Friday). For women, the curve during the ATO period largely repeats the peacetime curve with the minimum value on Saturday, but the maximum is on Friday (in peacetime – on Sunday)


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Author Biography

Pavlo Budonnyi, Lysychansk Regional Mental Hospital
Head of Lysychansk Regional Mental Hospital


How to Cite
Budonnyi, P. (2017). Comparative Analysis Of Seasonally-Monthly And Weekly Fluctuations Of Suicidal Activity Of People Living In The Depressed Industrial Region Of Lisichansk In The 2006–2013 And 2014–2016 Periods. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, 4(1 (7), 10-17. Retrieved from