The Role Of Family In Rehabilitation Of Children With Anxiety And Depressive Disorders
The problem of diagnostics and rehabilitation of children with anxiety and depressive disorders (ADD) for a variety of reasons is extremely relevant today in Ukraine. This necessitated the development and implementation of prevention models, early diagnosis and rehabilitation of children with ADD. To substantiate this step there were surveyed 160 patients with ADD, treated at the Sumy Oblast Pediatric Clinical Hospital, and Sumy regional clinical psychoneurological dispensary. Based on the data significance of social and family factors in the formation ADD in children and their rehabilitation is analyzed. The necessity of developing a model of medical and psychological rehabilitation is determined at the primary care level. Мodels should include psychoeducational and psychotherapeutic and psychological activities for parents and children. The implementation of the model will contribute to the prevention of severe resistant forms of children’s anxiety and depression and prevent their psychosocial maladjustment.
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