Clinical And Social Features Of Maladaptive States Among Volunteers, Whose Work Is Related To The Support Of Military Men In ATO Zone

  • Slava Glagolych Transcarpathian Regional Treatment and Prevention Center for Addictive Patients, Uzhgorod


Volunteers find themselves in extreme, stressful situations, especially during an armed conflict, therefore, they are likely to suffer from mental and psychosomatic maladaptation. In this regard, the research was conducted to look into the psychological state of volunteers, whose work is related to the support of military men in the ATO zone. During the study, the signs of maladaptation of different severity were found as well as their clinical and social characteristics were established depending on the socio-demographic indicators. To understand the pathogenesis and to highlight the targets of psycho-correction, the analysis of clinical content of maladaptive manifestations among the patients was carried out. This assessment allowed to find more intensive symptom severity among different age groups and to identify the psycho-physiological determinants of maladaptive states among the volunteers depending on gender, education level and marital status. The received data were taken into account when developing measures for psychological treatment and psycho-preventive support of volunteers, whose work is related to the support of military men in the ATO zone.


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Author Biography

Slava Glagolych, Transcarpathian Regional Treatment and Prevention Center for Addictive Patients, Uzhgorod



How to Cite
Glagolych, S. (1). Clinical And Social Features Of Maladaptive States Among Volunteers, Whose Work Is Related To The Support Of Military Men In ATO Zone. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, 3(2 (6), 70-77. Retrieved from
Medical Psychology