Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder According To Icd-10 Relatively Compared To Excitable And Unstable Psychopath Of Previous Systematics: Diagnostics, Therapy, Prevention

  • Valerii Prostomolotov Institute of Innovative and Postgraduate Education of Mechnikov Odessa National University, Odessa


The article exposed the clinical and critical analysis of the criteria of ICD-10 relative to an emotionally unstable personality disorder (F60.3). Inaccuracies and bluring of the definition of personality disorder (RL) have been outlined, as emotional instability is one of the manifestations of all types of personality disorders in general, and not just any one; moreover it is known that emotional instability manifests clinically in many ways, which is caused by different pathogenesis. The achievements of previous generations of prominent psychiatrists of the world which described excitable personality/epileptic type were wrongly disregarded. However, schizoid and affective range of pathological andnon-pathological/accented characters creates a great overall range of constitutional psychopathy/RL and predispositions. Thus it is necessary to consider not only the fact that they are bipolar, but also the possibility of mixing various ratios of characteristic represented radicals. According to the author, the former definition of "personality disorder of excitable (epileptic) type" (thanks to the terminology related to nervous system diseases) brings neurology to psychiatry more precisely and logically. Border type (F60.31) should be removed from the scope of the type discussed into a separate group, as it was before.


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Author Biography

Valerii Prostomolotov, Institute of Innovative and Postgraduate Education of Mechnikov Odessa National University, Odessa
MD, PhD, Professor


How to Cite
Prostomolotov, V. (1). Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder According To Icd-10 Relatively Compared To Excitable And Unstable Psychopath Of Previous Systematics: Diagnostics, Therapy, Prevention. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, 3(2 (6), 36-44. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pnmp/article/view/8326