Psychological Factors Of Formation Of Subjective Picture Of Life Way In Patients With Various Forms Of Neurotic Disorders

  • О. S. Maruta SI “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine”


The results of psycho-diagnostic researchs of the representation of subjective picture of the life way in patients with various types of neurotic disorders showed that in neurasthenia there were largest relationship between the  structural elements of life way and internal locus of control, coping strategies focused on the problem and setting to achieve symptomatic improvement. In patients with anxiety-phobic disorders components of life way correlated with the time antitcipating solvency, focus on the process, personal anxiety and installation behavior change. In dissociative disorders most significant relationships were found with external locus of control, coping strategies distraction, situationalanxiety and focus on obtaining secondary gain from illness.


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How to Cite
MarutaО. S. (2016). Psychological Factors Of Formation Of Subjective Picture Of Life Way In Patients With Various Forms Of Neurotic Disorders. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, 2(2 (4), 80–85. Retrieved from
Medical Psychology