Disorders of the psychoemotional sphere of the ATO/JFO military services

Keywords: military personnel of the ATO/JFO, psychoemotional state, depressive disorders, adjustment disorders


In this article, we have presented the results of our own research concerning the state of psychoemotional disorders in the military
personnel of the ATO/JFO. It is known that the state of mental health is infl uenced by various external factors, both socio-economic and
physical, traumatic, environmental, etc. The professional activity of the ATO/JFO military personnel is carried out in extreme conditions
associated with psychophysical overload, an increased level of responsibility, etc. Therefore, the psychoemotional state of this contingent
requires signifi cant attention and correction. The aim of this study was to study the psychoemotional state of the ATO/JFO military personnel.
The study involved 66 ATO/JFO combatants (31 men and 35 women) with signs of adjustment disorders who were in Clinic of Neurology,
Psychiatry and Narcology of Military Medical Clinical Centre of the Northern region (Kharkov, Ukraine). The control group consisted of
29 people (14 men and 15 women) who did not take part in hostilities and also had signs of adjustment disorders. Using the clinicalanamnestic method in the main group, we identifi ed 32 people with prolonged depressive reaction caused by adaptation disorder (F43.21
according to ICD-10) and 34 people with mixed anxiety and depressive reactions (F43.22). In the control group, 15 people had F43.21 and
14 examined had F43.22. The use of the psychodiagnostic methodology «Tsung Scale for Self-Assessment of Depression» (adapted by T.I.
Balashova, 2003) made it possible to reveal a subdepressive state in 12,1±1,9% of the surveyed combatants (men 4,5±1,2%, women
7,6±1,5%). Severe depression was diagnosed in 87,9±1,9% military personnel (men 42,4±2,8%, women 45,5±2,9%). In the control
group, a state without depression was revealed in 79,3±5,2% of individuals (37,9±6,3% men, 41,4±6,4% women), and mild depression
was also identifi ed (10,3±4,1% men, 10,3±4,1% women, there were 20,6±5,2% people in total). It was concluded that it is necessary to
take into account the data obtained when developing an algorithm for psychocorrectional measures in this contingent of patients


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How to Cite
Lazarenko, Y. M., Vovk, V. I., Matviienko, Z. I., & Nelyapina, M. M. (2021). Disorders of the psychoemotional sphere of the ATO/JFO military services. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, (17). https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-5675-2021-17-01