The article notes that throughout the world, and in particular in our country, there is a tendency to increase the prevalence of depressive disorders. According to many international studies, a significant proportion of people with this pathology do not receive timely, proper treatment (misunderstanding of the pain will lead to poor awareness about this pathology, fear of a psychiatric diagnosis, etc.), but a large stratum of those who turned for help, in the end refuses to take medication or end the course. It is indicated that according to the WHO, around 350 million people of all age groups suffer from depression around the world. It has been noticed that about 10% of men and 20% of women have a significantly higher risk of developing depressive disorder throughout their lives. According to national statistics in Ukraine, affective disorders among all mental illnesses are found in men at 9.72%, and among women - 20.78%.In addition, the publication presents the results of a pathopsychological survey of women with affective pathology living in rural areas and in the city. In the course of the study, it was found that in patients with a definite pathology there is a high level of depression and comorbid anxiety, regardless of place of residence; while residents of the village demonstrated a higher percentage of auto-aggressive tendencies (80% versus 42% of townspeople). The results of this work enable to conclude that there is a need for a deeper study of premorbid conditions and their specificities, as well as factors that lead to the formation of depression. Given the lower accessibility for rural women, psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care, more attention should be paid to the detection and treatment of depression and psychoprophylaxis in this environment.
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