Differential-predictive model of analysis of schizophrenia simple clinical variants
In order to develop a differential-prognostic model of schizophrenia in its simmlex atypical variants analysis which was based on the clinically-psychopathological research 100 patients who were suffering from the schizophrenia simplex were examined. On the basis of the analysis of clinical manifestations structure and dynamics, a differential-prognostic model that was based on the reflecting the evolution of the symptoms of the disease in the diagnostic process principle for each of 4 levels of atypical disease clinical picture was developed. The model includes the following stages: disease manifestation (the beginning of the diagnostic path); primary nosological qualification (primary determination of the nosological type of psychopathological disorders); the formation of a sub-syndromal hierarchy (the period of clinical observation of the developed disease clinical picture); syndromotropic consolidation (final nosological identification of psychopathological disorders); nosological shift (projection of the diagnostic path to the future).
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