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Author Guidelines







TABLES AND FIGURES (graphs, charts, diagrams, photos)




The International scientific and practical journal «Psychiatry, neurology and medical psychology» publishes review articles, results of original and experimental studies, articles of discussion nature, short messages, lectures, reviews, cases from clinical practice, information materials, papers on teaching neurology, psychiatry and medical psychology, and other materials devoted to current issues of neurology, psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology.
The editorial board of the journal accepts articles that meet the journal's topics and the following requirements.
Works that have not been published or given for publishing before are accepted and they have no more than 20% borrowings (percentage of similarities when checking for a plugin).
The volume of original articles should not overpass 12 pages, lectures and reviews — 20, short reports — 5, reviews — 3 pages. The work can be written in Ukrainian or English.
Copies of the paper should be sent to the editorial office; one of them should be signed by all authors (or one of them, who takes responsibility and signs with the statement "agreed with all co-authors").
An original work should be followed by an official direction with a signature of a head and a seal of the institution where the work was performed. For the national authors it should be also followed by a conclusion of an expert that allows a general publication, and by a conclusion of a bioethics commission of the institution where the work was performed.
Dissertation papers must have a visa of a scientific supervisor.
A letter with request for the publication should be added to articles performed at the initiative of the author.
surname, name, patronymic (full);
place of work and position of the author (completely, without abbreviations);
academic degree;
academic rank;
contact telephone number (mobile);
address for sending the journal.
The filename is created at the basis of the first author’s name (example — Ivanov.doc.)
The text is typed in the text editor Microsoft Word:
page format - A4, orientation - portrait;
width of margins: left, top and bottom 2 cm, right — 1 cm;
font Times New Roman, size 14, line interval — 1.5;
paragraph indention — 1.25 cm (only the Enter button is used);
Text alignment — according to the page width;
text may be highlighted by bold or italic fonts.
It is not allowed:
to duplicate the name of the article in the file name;
to create a paragraph indention with the Tab and space bar;
to force (manually arrange) transfers;
to use underlining, spacing, capitalization to highlight text fragments;
to use marked and numbered lists of Microsoft Word (except list of references);
to replace the dash (—) with a hyphen (-) and vice versa.
The article is accompanied by an annotation submitted in Ukrainian, Russian and English of at least 1800 characters (without spaces), including keywords. Annotations should be structured: relevance, purpose of the study, research methodology, results and conclusion.
The annotation in each language (Ukrainian, Russian, English) should contain:
a title of the article;
initials and surnames of an author / authors (example — I. А. Petrenko);
the official name of the institution or organization (if the authors work in different organizations, all names and addresses should be indicated and respectively the institutions where each author works are also should be indicated with superlinear Arabic numerals);
keywords (which includes 5-7 words or phrases).
Article material is presented by the scheme:
UDC index (articles without UDC are not considered);
a title of the article;
initials and surnames of an author / authors (example – I. А. Petrenko);
the full name of the institution where the work was performed with the legal address (without abbreviations);
authors ORCID ID`'s;
three annotations (in Ukrainian, Russian and English);
In the experimental articles and in the results of the original research, the following paragraphs are distinguished by a separate line:
aim of the research;
materials and methods of the research;
the research results and their discussion;
list of used literature in the language of original and references in APA style.
In short messages and review articles, these paragraphs are not highlighted, the list of references is provided only.
All abbreviations are explained (except for commonly known abbreviations) when first mentioned in the text.
In the text of the article, the links are opened with [1] and go ascending and in order.
References are given in the square brackets:
when referring to two or more sources which do not follow each other, they should be separated by a semicolumn (example [2; 4; 9]);
for three or more consecutive sources, the interval is indicated by a dash (example [2–5]).
At each mention of the name of a scientist, a reference to his or her publication, which must be available in the list of references, should be included.
All quotations should end with references to sources.
All statistics should be grounded with references to sources.
In the articles, all physical quantities and units should be given in accordance with the international SI system, terms should be given in accordance with the international nomenclature.
TABLES AND FIGURES (graphs, charts, diagrams, photos)
The tables should be performed in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, be compact, and have the relevant to the content titles. All tables and illustrations should have references in the text.
Illustrations and tables should be numbered in the Arabic numerals (if more than one) and placed in the text immediately after the period in which they are mentioned. In the text of the article the data given in the table should not be duplicated. Drawings should not duplicate tables.
If graphics, diagrams and schemes are not created in Microsoft Word, they are sent in separate files in the program in which they are performed with the appropriate extension.
Schemes, graphics and diagrams should be performed in Grayscale color mode (gray gradations). The usage of colored viewing materials (except photographs of authors) is not permitted and accepted.
The photos are sent as individual files and in the .jpg (or .tiff) format with a 300 dpi extension.
Indicated after the text of the article and before the list of references. The presence or absence of the conflict of interests of authors should be obligatory proclaimed (in such cases the phrase "The authors declare about the absence of the conflict of interests" is given). The source of funding should be indicated, i.e. all persons and organizations that have provided financial support to the research (in the form of grants, donations or the provision of equipment, reagents, supplies, medicines, etc.), as well as those who have taken other financial or personal part that may lead to the conflict of interest. It's not necessary to specify the amount of funding.
Acknowledgements. Authors can express their acknowledgements to people and organizations which contributed to the publication of the article but were not the authors.
LIST OF USED LITERATURE and References is formed from references to sources and literature cited and mentioned in the article. Authoritative publications with an international DOI identifier must be circulated.
The list of references is performed in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015. The bibliography should include works of the last 10 years. Previously dated publications are included only when it is necessary.
Unpublished works are not included in the list.
In original works no less than 5 and no more than 15 sources are quoted. In scientific reviews – up to 30. The literature in the list is placed according to the order of reference in the article. Additional information about articles – DOI, PubMed ID, etc. should be provided.
Source numbering is performed only with the usage of Microsoft Word "numbered list" function. Each source should be placed in a new line with the ordinal number. In the text of an article it is indicated by the Arabic numerals in the square brackets. In the list, all works are enumerated in the order of citation, but not in alphabetical order.
The list of used literature must be duplicated separately as References — a bibliography in English (with transliteration of surnames and translations of non-English sources) using "APA Style" (American Psychological Association Style). Examples of the References and References by following the link.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data in the list of references.
By submitting an article to the journal "Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology", the author automatically agrees to the placement of his materials in abstract scientometric databases and on the university website.
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication of this work under the terms of a license Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.
The article should be carefully edited and verified by an author. Make sure that you have followed all the instructions before sending the manuscript.
The editors’board reserves the right to review and edit articles as well as refuse the works that do not meet the requirements of editorial publications. Manuscripts are not returned.
Articles and other materials should be sent to the address: 61022 Ukraine, Kharkiv, Svoboda Square, 6, room. 609a, Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
The electronic version is sent to the e-mail address:
Additional information is available on the website of the journal or by telephone number 057-705-11-71, 057-725-58-40. 

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