Prior trials detected benefits from hyperbaric oxygenation therapy (HBOT) for patients with coronary artery diseases (CAD) and acute myocardial infarction. The aim of this study was to assess the changes in ANS in patients with CAD during session of HBOT by using the technique of HRV. The patients with CAD were subdivided into three groups in dependence of atmosphere pressure and contents of oxygen. We measured the total power (TP), low frequency component (LF) reflecting sympathetic and high frequency (HF) reflecting vagal activity, autonomic balance (LF/HF ratio) and LF and HF in normalized units (LFn, HFn). We observed significant increase under HBOT of TP, decreased LF/HF ratio because of changing in both branch of AHS and parasympathetic activity increased more significant than decreased sympathetic activity. In our point of view the changes in ANS depend of proportionally from oxygen tension in tissues coursed by HBOT. Our preliminary results showed that measurement of HRV is helpful in monitoring not only the circulation but also the common status of patients during the sessions of HBOT and it will be possible in the future to modulate the protocols of HBOT individually for certain patient. Increasing of vagal activity and total power with decreasing of sympathetic tone during of HBOT is the evidence of "relaxation" of circulation and ANS which less stressed by monitoring the body oxygenation. Adjunctive HBOT can improve prognosis in patients with CAD in various ways: the positive modifying of HRV is a sign of favorable changing in ANS; increasing of cardiac electrical stability; prevention of left ventricular dysfunction, progressing in Killip class and ventricular ectopic activity and presence of late potentials; restores of sinus nodal cells to neural modulations.Завантаження
Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна, серія Медицина має такі умови авторського права:
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