• O.V. Ignatkina
  • M.I. Yabluchansky


The important condition of treatment of the patients with a heart failure (HF) is the normalization of a neurogumoral regulation (NGR) under action of medicinal therapy, and first of all, by ACE-inhibitors. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a technique qualitatively estimating work of NGR. The efficiency of enalapril maleat (EM) therapy of the patients with HF on its influence on clinical parameters and HRV was estimated depending on reaction LF/HF HRV in acute pharmacological assay (APA) with this preparation. Prior to the beginning treatment to the patients was spent APA with EM with registration of parameters HRV before reception and at height of action of a preparation. By its results of the patients have shared into two groups: group 1 with increase LF/HF, and group 2 with decrease LF/HF in APA. Within 3 months all patients received EM, nitroglycerinum and hydrochlorthiazidum, then estimated changes in a clinical-functional condition of the patients and parameters HRV. The results show, that the clinical efficiency of EM  is more effective at  of decrease reaction  of sympathovagal balance on APA with this preparation, is especial at the persons with  III NYHA class. At rising LF/HF on APA results of treatment are less essential. The  reaction of  ТР in reply to therapy  is higher in group of the patients with decrease LF/HF in APA, that reduces risk of development of fatal complications.




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Як цитувати
Ignatkina, O., & Yabluchansky, M. (1). REACTIONS OF SYMPATHOVAGAL BALANCE IN ACUTE PHARMACOLOGICAL ASSAY AND EFFICIENCY OF ENALAPRIL MALEAT THERAPY OF A HEART FAILURE. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (2), 39-43. вилучено із
Clinical Research

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