• O.V. Bilchenko


The aim  of the research was to study the heart rate variability indexes of hypertensive patients with crisis and crisisless idiopathic hypertensia. 176 hypertensive patients were examined. The obtained data confirmed                 the  decrease of total HRV capacity of hypertensive patients in supine as well as in upright position, it was evidence of an increased risk of cardiovascular death-rate. The obtained data confirm the hypothesis that the dysregulation of autonomous nervous system becomes apparent not only in the decrease of parasympathetic but in sympathetic HRV indexes of hypertensive patients in comparison with healthy people at rest as well as in tilt-test.                      The unbalance of autonomous regulation was observed, it was displayed in weakening of sympathetic unit of reaction to orthostatic load. The activation of humoral regualtion mechanisms was revealed  on the background of the activity decrease of autonomous nervous system of the hypertensive patients, it was reflected by  an increase of VLF absolute value and increase of relative VLF input-components. The unbalance of autonomous nervous system of hypertensive patients was not connected to hypertensive crises and HRV indexes can not be used as the prognostic criteria of short-term fluctuations of pressure.




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Як цитувати
Bilchenko, O. (1). HYPERTENSIVE CRISES AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY OF HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (2), 12-16. вилучено із https://periodicals.karazin.ua/medicine/article/view/7426
Clinical Research