The means of spectral analysis the dependency of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) from the RR-intervals average (RRav, sec) is explored at controlled (forced) breathing. According to got results, the dependency of peaks frequency on spectral density graph for source series of RR-intervals from RRav possible to present the following formula: fp1.0 = fp : RRav, where fp1.0 - peak frequency when RRcp = 1.0 sec, fp - peak frequency at current RRav. For correcting (the standertizations) of frequency domain borders of spectral power (fd) of source series of RR-intervals comparatively current RRav possible to use the formula: fd = fd1.0*RRav, where fd1.0 - frequency domain border at RRav = 1.0 sec. The correction (the standertization) of frequency domain borders of spectral power (fd), frequency peaks (fp1.0) of source series of RR-intervals comparatively current RRav allows to compare different series of RR-intervals without use the transformation to the discrete event series (DES).
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