The aim of our investigation was to evaluate the possibilities of transvaginal echography (TVE) withdopplerography in diagnosis of adenomyosis dependong of age, fertility and type of desease. The objects ofinvestigation were 134 patients with adenomyosis and infertility and 200 patients with undisturbed fertility. TVE with dopplerography (colour and power doppler) was fulfilled on ultrasound equipment HDI 1500 (ATL). In patients with adenomyosis more often there were such echographic symptoms as increase of uterinesize, abnormal M-echo, zone of increased echogenisity, disturbed doppler vascularity of myometrium andendometrium. In patients with infertility and normal fertility there were differences in echographis anddopplerographic treats of endometrial and subendometrisl zone: B-structure of endometrium and 2nd type of endometrium vascularisation was more often seen and the 3rd and 4th type more rare seen in patients withinfertility. May be these echographic symptoms reflect the pathological changes in endometrium which can be the cause of infertility. The worsen doppler blood flow indices in ovarian stromal vessels in patients ofadvanced age with adenomyosis occurs due to the influence of age on ovarian reserve, the increase in RI and PI in endometrial vessels due to more prolonged existence of disease. So, TVE with doppler ultrasoundmeasurement of uterine and ovarian blood flow can improve the diagnosis of adenomyosis and be helpful in receiving additional information in patients with infertility.Завантаження
Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна, серія Медицина має такі умови авторського права:
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