Inactive style of life leads to many pathologic changes in an organism as well as cerebral blood flow disturbances.
The depth of pathologic shifts depends on terms of hypokinesia (HK) and these shifts involve bothcellular and subcellular levels. As GABA-ergic system relates to stress-limiting system, the objective of ourinvestigation is to study the changes in GABA-ergic macromolecular combination under the conditions of HKin experimental animals with simultaneous exploration of pathologic anxiety development and its correctionby well-known nootrops – Pyracetam. It was established, that in 15-day HK the amount of GABA-receptor
macromolecular combination decrease is observed, and it continues to decrease up to 45-days of HK. Study ofanimal behavioral reaction in plus-maze test has shown that in animals under the conditions of HK anxietydevelops. Pyracetam administration during the last three days results to GABA-receptor macromolecularcombination amount increase and anxiety elimination both in 15-day and 45-day HK.
Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна, серія Медицина має такі умови авторського права:
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