• W.H. Arnold
  • E.A. Naumova
  • V.V. Koloda
  • M.V. Ljubichev


Dental wear is a common phenomenon in archaeological material. It has been related to the diet of the individuals. Numerous investigations have been carried out in north and middle American samples as well as African anthropological material. Not much is known about dental wear in European cultures. 11 skulls of Chervona Gusarovka, and 14 skulls of the Verchniy Saltov sites from the Kharkov area in eastern Ukraine with different foot consumption with a total number of 208 teeth were studied according to dental wear and periodontal status. Abrasion grade was determined according to international classification and statistically evaluated. Periodontal status was measured using the distance between enamel-cement boarder and alveolar crest and gingival attachment. Dental wear was significantly different (p<0.01) between both populationsNo significant differences were found regarding to the periodontal status. It is concluded that foot consumption had influence on dental wear, whereas it did not alter the periodontal status.




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Як цитувати
Arnold, W., Naumova, E., Koloda, V., & Ljubichev, M. (1). DENTAL WEAR IN TWO POPULATIONS OF THE KHAZAR KAGNAT REGION IN THE KHARKOV AREA, UKRAINE. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (9), 90-95. вилучено із
Fundamental Research