• I.A. Voronjev


The purpose of work wasto study radiological displays change of lung at children of early age with patrimonial damages of CNS.

Roentgenograms of chest organs of 63 children till 1 year were investigated (36 boys and 27 girls). They were treated with the diagnosis: hypoxic-ischemic defeat of the CNS, the acute period, serious current, skull cerebral trauma. For verification of the diagnosis ultrasound examination of heart and a brain, roentgenorgaphy of skull and cervical department of a backbone, and also complete clinical-laboratory examination were carried out. MRT of brain (14,3%). Dynamic observation is carried out above 24 children (38,1 %). 25,4 % of patients diagnosis confirm on post-mortem examination.

Most often and early radiological attributes of shock lung (SL) were changes of pulmonary drawing (42,9 %) due to the development of the interstitial edema and infringement of a hemodynamics – 1 stage of SL. At progress of the desease small focuses (0,2-0,4 mm) were determined, somewhere merging among themselves (20,6 % – 2  stage of SL). Development of 3 stage of SL was marked in 25,4 % of patients and at X-ray it was shown by decreasing of a transparence of a pulmonary tissue, occurrence of larger focal shadows (0,6-0,8 mm) with the indistinct contours, merging among themselves, pulmonary drawing was badly differentiated. In 11,1% of cases diffuse decreasing of a lung transparence was determined, pulmonary drawing and roots were not differentiated, free strips of bronchuses on a background of blackout of pulmonary fields are marked also, that is characteristic for hyaline membranes – 4 stage of SL. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, as a manifestation of 5 stage of SL was revealed in 6,3 % of patients. Associated pneumonia was determined in 30,1 % of cases. Segmentary and subsegmentary atelectases are marked in 46 % of patients.

The radiological method is conducting examination in an establishment of the diagnosis of shock lung in children of early age with perinatal CNS lesions. For the given group of patients absence of precise staging and often complications such as pneumonias and atelectases is habitual. 




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Як цитувати
Voronjev, I. (1). X-RAY DIAGNOSTICS CHANGES OF LUNG IN EARLY AGED CHILDREN WITH INTRANATAL DAMAGES OF CNS. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (12), 40-44. вилучено із https://periodicals.karazin.ua/medicine/article/view/7105
Clinical Research