Frequency distribution of hypertensive orthostatic reaction (OR) according to diastolic blood pressure (DBP) changes were studied in arterial hypertension (AH) patients. 154 out-clinic patients with AH (58 males and 96 females) median age 63±7 years were examined.According to DBP increase during the patients transition from clinostasis to orthostasis 3 types of OR were identified: hypertensive, isotensive and hypotensive types. Persons with iso- and hypotensive types of OR were included in the study, that included 117 patients with AH (44 males and 73 females). Criteria of isotensive type of OR were changes of DBP from the identified during the orthostasis not more than on 5 mm/Hg and for hypertensive – its increase on 10 mm/Hg and more. 4 groups of patients with hypertensive OR were identified according to the DBP increase on 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, and more than 21 mm/Hg.Hypertensive type of DBP OR was found in 48% of patients with AH and isotensive type in 52%.High frequency of hypertensive type of DBP OR prevalence requires precise research with further long term follow-up and treatment of such patients.
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