Influence of constitutions features of structure of body of man is studied on the linear indexes of heart at dilatational cardiomyopathy (DKMP) by an ultrasonic method. A basic group was made by 123 patients with dilatational cardiomyopathy (DKMP), and group of comparison – 69 practically healthy persons. Age inspected in the first and second groups – 57,7±16,4 and 56±17,4 years. Konstitutions types: asthenic, normosthenik, hypersthensk determined on the basis of indexes of relative length of trunk and relative width of shoulders. The put tasks decided with the use of echocardiography research in Mcode and In on a vehicle («Siеmens»). A heart was probed by a scan-out from different acoustic accesses. The geometrical indexes of the left auricle, left and right ventricles and pulmonary artery were determined (LA). Exactness of measurings made 0,5 mm. The got results processed the methods of mathematical statistics. Settled accounts mean (M) and middle quadratic deviation (sd). Authenticity of distinctions was estimated with the use of t- criterion of St'yudenta at the level of meaningfulness of p≤0,01, and in small selections by the non-parametric criterion of Vilkoksona. Results rotined that at DKMP the sizes of chambers of heart on the average on 50% exceed characteristic healthy persons, here is an increase of all of linear sizes of heart, in a greater measure, ventricles and auricles and, in a less measure, aortas. With a transition from an asthenic to the hypersthensk type build most linear indexes of heart increase both at healthy and patients with DKMP. In ultrasonic diagnosis hearts at DKMP it is necessary to take into account the type of build of inspected.Завантаження
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