The analysis of the results of combined usage of temodal and radiotherapy among 37 patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) IIIA, IIIB stages with brain metastases was held. The comparative analysis of two groups was held: the 1st group – 27 patients with NSCLC, administered radiotherapy according to the above mentioned scheme with lomustine chemo modification, 40 mg per week (TFD 120-160 mg); the 2nd group – 30 patients with NSCLC, administered radiotherapy according to the same scheme without any modification. During the process of therapy one could observe improvement of neurological state of majority of patients in main group and control groups 1 and 2 (85.3%, 86.9%, 88.8%), respectively. Total survival rate of patients in main group was 16%, and median was 8 months, while in the 1st group this parameter was 5.5%, median was 6.2 months, respectively, Р<0.05. In the 2nd group no patient survived one-year term and median was 4 months. Following the treatment one could admit that combined usage of temodal and radiotherapy improves direct results, median and one-year survival rate among the patients of this category, saving the quality of their life according to the analysis data of hematological and non-hematological reactions.
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