• V. P. Starenkiy
  • O. M. Sukhina
  • M. V. Bielozor


The analysis of the results of radiation therapy (RT) using different fractionation regimes among 82 patients with IIIA and IIIB stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was held. All of the patients were divided into three groups: the first one (consisted of 30 patients) – standard RT; the second one (consisted of 27 patients) – accelerated hyperfractionated RT; the third one (consisted of 25 patients) – RT using an accelerated regime with the dose escalation and etoposide chemomodification. There was an overt effect observed in the groups 2 and 3 (74,1±8,6% and 72±9,2% in the groups 2 and 3 respectively against 40±8,9% in the group 1 p<0,05). In this groups high annual survival rate is observed (66,7±9,2% and 64±9,8% respectively against 43,3±9,0% in the group 1 p>0.05). However, early I-II grade radiation pneumonitis were observed rarer in the groups 1 (16,7±6,8%) in comparison with the groups 2 and 3 (37±9,5% and 36±9,8% respectively). Patient’s life quality improvement was observed in all of the groups, however, clinical effect comes in 2-3 weeks earlier in case of an accelerated RT administration. Late radiation changes of pulmonary tissues exercise a significant negative influence on life quality of NSCLC patients after the RT had been held for the period of 3 to 8 months of observation as a result symptomatic therapy is to be administered during the stages of RT and follow-up care.




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Як цитувати
Starenkiy, V. P., Sukhina, O. M., & Bielozor, M. V. (1). FULL ASSESSMENT OF RADIATION THERAPY RESULTS OF DIFFERENT FRACTIONATION REGIMES CHEMOMODIFICATION AMONG III STAGE NON-SMALL-CELL LUNG CANCER PATIENTS. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (20), 64-72. вилучено із https://periodicals.karazin.ua/medicine/article/view/6917
Clinical Research