• L. A. Yurchenko


Determinated haemolitics and lecithinase activity 80 cultures of Proteus, abstracted from the different hearts of infection; the cultures from pathological material had greater haemolitics activity as compared rela­tively transmitters. A hard defined medium with properties swarming inhibition, which didn’t inhibition acti­vity Proteus for haemolitics of erythrocytes, is developed. Dependences of haemolytic or lecithinase activity of Proteus from its finding in O- or the H-form not revealed.




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Як цитувати
Yurchenko, L. A. (1). NEW METHODICAL APPROACHES TO DEFINITION HAEMOLYTIC AND LECITHINASE ACTIVITY OF PROTEUS. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (21), 9-15. вилучено із
Fundamental Research