• M. І. Shevchuk
  • N. І. Yabluchansky


This article was to examine the relationship between of the QRS complex duration and clinical manifesta­tions of arterial hypertension (AH). Relationship between the QRS complex duration (QRSD) and clinical

manifestation of disease was studied in 130 patients (53 males and 77 females) mean age 65 ± 10 years with
AH 1–3 degrees, and I–III stages. Estimated age, sex, prescription of hypertension, blood pressure (BP), heart rate class, the severity of heart failure, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), acute myocardial infarction in the anamnesis (AMI), stroke in the anamnesis. Registration of the QRS complex was carried out on a com­puter electrocardiograph «Cardiolab+». In study population the range of QRSD was on five groups: 60–99 ms, 100–119 ms, 120–139 ms, 140–159 ms, > 160 ms. Evaluation of results by methods of parametric sta­tis­tics. Of these patients, 54 % had QRS complexes > 120 ms, shortened QRS complexes were absent. Distri­bu­tion of QRSD was asymmetric with a shift toward smaller values. Relationship QRSD in patients with AH was with its remoteness, the level of blood pressure, heart rate class, the severity of heart failure, reducing the degree of LVEF. Established the important role of the QRSD in clinical manifestations of hypertension. The degree of change in the QRSD should be used as a marker of the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy.




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Як цитувати
ShevchukM. І., & YabluchanskyN. І. (1). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE QRS COMPLEX DURATION AND CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (24), 69-73. вилучено із
Clinical Research