• L.S. Godlevsky
  • B.A. Lobasyuk
  • E.V. Kobolev
  • van E.L.J.M. Luijtelaar
  • A.R.M.L. Coenen
  • K.I. Stepanenko
  • Raz Haghoel
  • T.V. Prybalovetz
Keywords: multiple linear regression, policycle multigraf, generalized penicillin epilepsy, absence epilepsy, spike-wave complexes


Relationships between amplitude of penicillin-induced generalized epileptiform signals in different zones of the brain cortex (occipito-frontal bilateral leads, as well as occipital and frontal bipolar leads) were investigated in Wistar rats using multiple linear regression method of analysis. Results were expressed in the form of policycle multigrafs (multidimensional presentation) with the identification of significant (p<0,1) negative or positive influences of certain direction between sources of signals. The prevalence of the involvement of left hemispheral cortex into creation of positive type of forward, and back-directed influences was identified, while greater ability to be involved in the creation of negative type of relationships was established for the occipital zone of cortex during 6-h course of generalized seizure activity development. Final stage of the epileptic activity development was characterized by positive relationship’s domination. Typical absence spike-wave activity in WAG/rij rats was characterized by the prevalence of positive relationships, which were present between almost all inspected zones of cortex. Besides, minimization of mutually negative relationships when compared with generalized penicillin-induced epilepsy, was also characteristic for WAG/rij ECoG activity. These facts might be in favor of the most pronounced synchronized processes in comparison with epileptic discharges induced by excessive dosage of penicillin solution. Authors came to conclusion that policycle presentation of relationships between amplitude signals, which are generated in different cortical zones, with an emphasis on polifunctional dependence of each investigated index might be of interest for the characteristics of experimental epilpetic process.


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How to Cite
Godlevsky, L., Lobasyuk, B., Kobolev, E., Luijtelaar, van E., Coenen, A., Stepanenko, K., Haghoel, R., & Prybalovetz, T. (1). MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF GRAND MAL AND PETIT MAL FORMS OF EXPERIMENTAL EPILEPSY. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine&quot;, (10), 9-18. Retrieved from
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