- ISSN 2074-8922 (Print)
About the Journal
The journal covers the results of scientific research in the field of educational, pedagogical sciences and professional education. It covers issues of educational strategy and methodology, problems of educational development at the present stage, educational management, history of education, formation of competencies in students of different levels of education, introduction of modern educational technologies, personality development, experience of education abroad. Considerable attention is also paid to the problems of ensuring the quality of education at the present stage of its development. For scientists, postgraduate students, teachers, specialists in the field of educational, pedagogical sciences and professional education. Scientific professional publication of Ukraine Category "B" in the field of sciences 01 Education / Pedagogy
by specialty:
011 Educational, pedagogical sciences;
015 Professional education (by specialization)
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 dated March 17, 2020
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V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Scientific periodicals of Karazin University
Publication frequency
The journal publishes articles twice a year (June/December).
The issues are published after approval by the Academic Council of the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
The magazine was founded in 2001.