• О. Г. Задорожна V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Svobody Square, 4, Kharkiv, Kharkivs'ka oblast, 61000, Ukraine
Keywords: conscience, economy, economic chronotop, economic areal of individual, postnonclassical humansize economic science, quality of life


Based on methodological principles of postnonclassical human-measured science, the paper offers an extensive definition of the object of chronotope approach to research of economy. Economy is understood as a holistic integrated sphere of an individual’s life activity, where the economy is only a specific means to ensure the production of material goods for profit. The main feature of economy is integrity. This stipulates the integrity of economic knowledge which combines all types and forms of knowledge that interact. Such interaction should contribute to economic development as a whole. Chronotope approach allows us to explore the integrity of the economy more clearly where the economic area of an individual becomes a potential basis for deployment of economic chronotope. The paper determines the criteria distinguishing between economic chronotope and economic areal. The level of achievement of techno-humanitarian balance as an expression of space-time quality of a holistic national economy in changing conditions of the global world can be considered the common criterion of the condition of economic chronotope. This criterion is stipulated by quality of life, and on a personal level it becomes a common criterion of an individual’s economic areal that acts as the quality of life of the individual based on self-awareness and self-realization. A deeper criterion of economic areal of an individual is conscience. Chronotope approach requires the need for restart of cultural and axiological life-saving, humansize regulators in the global world of crisis. The role of passionaries who are consciously aware of the dangers and risks is on the increase, they initiate productive and rescue actions, implement free, responsible and creative actions, which shows a large value potential of economic areal of these personalities. They are sort of sources to change the economic chronotope, help to find the degree of organic combination of two basic images of reality: physical - space-time and purely humane - freedom-responsibility as  prerequisites of integral personality.


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How to Cite
Задорожна, О. Г. (2016). DETERMINATION OF CRITERIA OF ECONOMIC CHRONOTOPE IN THE FORMAT OF HUMAN-MEASURED ECONOMIC SCIENCE (METHODOLOGICAL ASPECT). Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, (90), 25-34. Retrieved from
Economic theory