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Author Guidelines

 Authors Guidelines

for the Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Charkiv National University Economic series

  1. The material of the article should not be published earlier, be presented before or been published in another edition.
  2. Articles are published in Ukrainian or English.
  3. The submitted material must be structured in the following way:
  • UDC;
  • Name of the author (co-authors);
  • Scientific degree, academic title;
  • Position;
  • Name and address of the organization;
  • ORCID of the author (co-authors);
  • e-mail of the author (co-authors);
  • Title of the article (in two languages – Ukrainian, English)
  • Abstracts (in two languages – Ukrainian, English);
  • Keywords (3-5 words, in two languages ​​- Ukrainian, English);
  • JEL classification codes (JEL Classification Codes Guide) (3-5 codes).
  • The main text of the article;
  • Literature and references.
  1. IMPORTANT: Summary must be of at least 1800 characters.
  2. The text of the article should contain structural subdivisions, which should be highlighted in bold:
  • Problem statement
  • Analysis of recent research
  • Purpose and objectives
  • The main results of the study
  • Conclusions

These structural subdivisions can be named in the author's edition.

  1. The volume of the article must be at least 12,000 characters (including the main text of the article, abstract and bibliography in the original language of the article).
  2. Article design requirements:

Page options: margins – 2 cm on each side.

Article title: Times New Roman, 14 pt, ALL LARGE, bold; line spacing – 1.0; alignment – in the middle of the line.

UDC, information about the author, abstract, keywords, JEL classifier codes, literature and references:

Times New Roman, 12 pt; line spacing – 1.0; paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm.

The main text of the article:

Times New Roman, 14 pt; line spacing – 1.5; paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm.

Only Microsoft Word, preferably doc, not docx.

All non-text objects must be built using Microsoft Word tools (Microsoft Excel Chart, Microsoft Equation).

IMPORTANT: When building diagrams, figures, charts, graphs, and other graphics, we don’t recommend using different colors because the periodical is black and white.

  1. Tables must be numbered in Arabic numerals and have a title. A source reference should be indicated below the table.

Tables are formatted according to the following rules: Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing – 1.0. The word "Table" and its number on the right (italics), and the name of the table in the middle of the line. Multi-page tables should be avoided. If necessary, the font can be changed by the author up to 8 pt.


  1. All figures must be numbered in Arabic numerals and have a title. The reference to the source should be indicated below the illustration.

The caption of illustrations is formatted according to the following rules: Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing – 1.0; placed in the middle of the line.

Internal captions for charts are formatted according to the following rules: Arial, 8-12 pt (depending on the number of data rows and on the need to sign the data). If the chart shows 2 or more data rows, a legend should be added. It is recommended to add captions of the OX and OY axes.


  1. The need for numbering formulas is determined by the author in accordance with the use of these formulas in the text (according to APA-2010 Reference style). Formulas that are numbered are placed in a separate line, the numbering is on the right.
  2. When referring to the name of the scientist or his work, as well as when using statistical data, it is obligatory to refer in the original language of the source in the bibliography. References to sources are made in accordance with the rules of text quotations of APA-2010 Reference style:

For example: (Author's name, year of publication)

Useful link with the rules of APA-2010 Reference style:

Learn more about APA style at: 

  1. List of references is compiled in the order of their mentioning in the text and contains two blocks (this requirement also applies to English-language articles):

1) Literature – sources in the original language formed in accordance with the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015;


Біткова Т. В., Меркулова Т. В., Янцевич А. А. Системно-динамічна модель податкової поведінки з урахуванням розподілу доходів. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна серія «Економічна». 2019. № 97. C. 21–30. DOI:

2) References – sources in English formed in accordance with the international bibliographic standard APA-2010 (indicate the language of the original source).


Bitkova, T., Merkulova, T., &Yantsevich, A. (2019). System dynamics model of tax behavior taking into account income distribution. Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, 97, 21-30. doi:

If the referred article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it is necessary to indicate it.

• Articles should contain at least 20 bibliographic references
• At least 50% of the references in the reference lists must contain a DOI.
• The number of references over the last 5 years is at least 50%
• References to Scopus and WoS articles make up more than 50%
• Self-citations do not exceed 10-15%

  1. Documents submitted by the author to the address of the editorial board
  • an article (file name example – Petrenko_Article.doc);
  • a completed application form (the form is signed by all the authors; file name example – Petrenko_Profile.doc);
  • statement of the author (authors) (file name example – Petrenko_Statement.doc).
  1. Submission of the article is free.

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Personal data that are indicated by the authors in the questionnaire will be used exclusively for the internal technical tasks of this journal; they will not be distributed and transferred to third parties.