Public-private partnership as a mechanism for managing general secondary education: current status and foreign experience

Keywords: public-private partnership, general secondary education, management of general secondary education, projects


The article analyzes the application of the public-private partnership mechanism (hereinafter referred to as PPP) in the field of general secondary education in Ukraine. High-quality education at different levels ensures economic development. This is relevant both for developed countries and for Ukraine, so it is advisable to analyze, adapt and implement proven world practices to solve problems in the field of general secondary education and overcome the educational crisis.

The analysis of the law regulating PPP issues in Ukraine is carried out, the classification of PPP projects, the basic principles of cooperation between the authorities and the private partner within the framework of the PPP mechanism are outlined.

Analysis of foreign experience in the application of the PPP in the general secondary education management of developing countries. It is noted that governments resort to the PPP mechanism in the field of education, when state resources are not enough to solve key problems in the education sector, and the support of private partners can lead to overcoming the educational crisis and improving the education system.

It is established that the successful implementation of PPP projects in Ukraine at the local level requires consideration of a number of factors, including the awareness and political will of local authorities to cooperate with business, public awareness and willingness to cooperate with civil society, institutional capacity to implement PPP projects at the local levels, taking into account the needs of the population of a particular area.

 It is emphasized on the need to improve the mechanisms of financing PPP projects,  to intensify the involvement of civil society institutions in PPP projects and to expand the tools of long-term project financing, etc.

It is determined that the use of the PPP mechanism in the field of education in the future will play a significant role in improving the effectiveness of the implementation of educational projects, especially at the regional level.

 In order to succeed in PPP development in the field of education at the regional level the eponymous concept should be worked out and be formulated in details, which will increase the interest of local authorities and private business in the implementation of educational projects, which will lead to an increase in quantity amount and efficiency of such projects.


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Author Biographies

Halyna Nesterenko , NAPA, Kyіv

PhD іn Publіс Admіnіstratіon, Assoсіate Professor of the Department of Soсіal

and Humanіtarіan Polісy,

NAPA, Kyіv

Inna Domina , НАДУ при Президентові України, Київ

Postgraduate Student of Soсіal and Humanіtarіan Polісy Department,

NAPA, Kyіv

Yulia Kladko

Master of Publіс Admіnіstratіon, Сhіef Speсіalіst of the Seсtor for Work wіth Сіtіzens’ Appeals of the Сherkasy Regіonal State Admіnіstratіon, Сherkasy

Oksana Shymko , NAPA, Kyіv

Postgraduate Student of Soсіal and Humanіtarіan Polісy Department,

NAPA, Kyіv


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