Improving the internal quality assurance system of higher education: a student-centered approach

Keywords: Bologna process; student-centered learning; quality of higher education; European standards; stakeholders; training programs


The concept of “student-centered learning” has already taken root in European higher education and is an important element in ensuring its quality. Characteristic features of this approach are innovative teaching and assessment methods, active inclusion of higher education applicants in educational activities on the basis of equal partnerships. The first reason for the failure of the Bologna and quality management systems in the local institutions of higher education (IHE) is the misunderstanding of the educational community, the spirit and essence of the main provisions of the Bologna Process. The development of internal quality assurance systems in many IHE is in fact imitated or replaced by formal actions. The quality of national education does not meet the expectations of employers. The level of university graduates, even the most prestigious, and the expected level of qualification of young specialists differ significantly.

The basis of student-centered learning is the idea of maximizing the chances of students to get first place in the labor market, increasing their “value” from employers, thereby satisfying the needs of the latter. Summarizing the recommendation of domestic researchers allows us to formulate some conclusions about the implementation of this paradigm in domestic IHE. Yes, three necessary and sufficient principles are formulated. This is the mobility of members of the educational space, primarily students (internal and external); attractiveness of IHE and employment opportunity. Generalization of modern scientific achievements and experience of the national IHE makes it possible to distinguish the following directions of improving the quality assurance system of education on the basis of student-centeredness:

– shifting the approach to curriculum design into a consultation area with all stakeholders;

– involvement of practitioners for teaching practitioner-oriented disciplines;

– stimulation of motivation for learning;

– provision of conditions for personal and professional self-development of students;

– creation of conditions and preparation of applicants for participation in various kinds of mobility;

– introduction of “blended learning” as a specific alternative to external mobility;

– due attention is given to developing the so-called suitability for employment of students;

– the perception and willingness to introduce, first of all, is promoted by the relevant information and awareness policy of each particular institution.

Therefore, the ideas of student-centeredness, which are comprehensively considered both in foreign and in the national scientific literature, should be promoted and implemented at all times.


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Author Biography

Natalia Hryshyna, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

PhD in Public Administration, Associated Professor, deputy head of department of scientific researches’ coordination and doctorate studies,

KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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