Post-communist transformation in the Republic of Poland: achievements, problems, interpretation
The article analyzes the post-communist transformation in the Republic of Poland. The author notes the complexity of the concept of "post-communist transformation", interpreting it as a systemic multifaceted social process, the success of which depends on the dynamics and use of external and internal, national factors.
The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics and level of completion of post-communist transformation in the Republic of Poland.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the statement of the possibility of applying to Poland the provisions on the variability of post-communist reforms and the slowdown of transformation. The assessment of transformation by Polish politicians and scholars is systematized and generalized.
The hypothesis of the study is based on the thesis of the variability of post-communist reforms due to global and national factors, the influence of civil society and the impact on reforms of the requirements for membership in the European Union.
Conclusions. The Republic of Poland is a positive example of successful post-communist reforms, which, in particular, is manifested in democratization, the formation of an efficient economy, the Europeanization of all aspects of public life and membership in the European Union and NATO. The complex problems of post-communist transformation have been adequately reflected in Poland in theoretical discussions, which are constantly turning into political debates and reflect the struggle of two main approaches to reform: neoliberal and pragmatic.
Understanding of the peculiarities of post-communist transformation in Poland is impossible without a historical digression. In our opinion, significant elements of a market economy and the availability of private property in agriculture and handicrafts were a significant advantage of Poland. The foundations of the success of post-communist transformation were laid in the 1980s, which became a political school for the opposition and contributed to the formation of civil society, and significant economic problems and the government's inability to solve them led to a public demand for change, and the new government received a credit of public confidence for unpopular economic reforms.
Shock therapy was a combination of radical economic reforms with similarly dramatic political changes. It had a revolutionary character, laying the foundation for a change in production relations and became a necessary impetus for subsequent changes. Unlike in Ukraine, the oligarchy has not been formed in Poland, public administration (public authorities and local self-government bodies) and civil society have proved to be much more effective, and scientific proposals have been in demand. The clear prospect of membership in the European Union since 1994 has proved to be a necessary core for further transformations: the pro-European vector has remained a real direction of development in all changes of government.
Crucial to the success of post-communist transformation were society's commitment to change, which ensured the continuity of reforms in the change of power while adjusting for social and economic and political needs. The scholars' critical approach to the issue of reforms and the discussion of their tactics contributed to this process.
The issue of the decelerated transformation, which is typical for Ukraine and possibly manifested in Poland since 2015, remains the subject of discussion.
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