Professiographycal research of the public servants professional activity

  • Zahorodniuk S.V. Gryshyna управління докторант Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України
Keywords: public administration reform; professional activity; scientific and technical progress; abilities; psychogram; qualification, professiographycal approach


The development of the new civil service of Ukraine envisages a systematic change of legislation as a precondition for the introduction and observance of the principles of its functioning defined by the
EU and the Council of Europe, and the resolution of a number of priority human resources problems. The urgency of the systematic professional standardization of the civil service activities of the public service personnel is conditioned by the need to update and strengthen the staffing capacity of government agencies in order to form a team of competent and highly qualified public servants to implement national reforms in the sectors of the national economy.


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Personnel Policy in Public Administration