Legal support of activity public authorities in the environmental sphere

Keywords: processes of globalization; environmental protection; natural resources; environment; public administration, ecology


Modern processes of globalization and social transformation have increased the priority of environmental protection and require urgent measures from Ukraine. For a long time, the economic development of the country is accompanied by unbalanced exploitation of natural resources, low priority of environmental issues, which makes it impossible to achieve balanced development.

The environmental situation in Ukraine today is unsatisfactory. Problems of rational use of natural resources, environmental protection, compliance with environmental safety requirements and ensuring environmental rights of citizens need urgent solutions. Environmental problems can be addressed through a comprehensive approach that includes the development of effective environmental policies, environmental legislation, the establishment of a management system for environmental management and environmental protection, as well as the improvement of the legal mechanism for public administration decisions in the environmental field.

Conservation of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund should be a priority of environmental policy in Ukraine. Such direction should be provided with practical actions that will bring us closer to common European standards of living. The number of nature reserves of Ukraine with special value is growing. Over the last ten years, the number of objects has increased by 1.5, the area – by 2.4 times. The western regions are much better represented in the country’s conservation fund than the rest of the territories.

The main reasons for the poor air quality in the settlements cause the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, are the non-compliance of economic entities with environmental legislation and low rates of implementation of new technologies. In order to improve atmospheric air quality and strengthen its response to the effects of climate change and to achieve the goals of sustainable low-carbon development in all sectors of the economy, Ukraine should ensure that ratified international instruments on climate change and atmospheric air quality are met.


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Author Biography

Kateryna Dubovik, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Аssociate Рrofessor of Law and European Integration Department, KRI NAPA


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Regional and Industrial Management